Monday 27 April 2015

Poster Presentation | San Francisco


on the 3rd day of the conference, thats when my part came in for the was presentation day!! ^_^

my poster presentation started at 9am - 11am....on each day during the conference, hundreds of poster will be presented and evaluated by the appointed judges...out of that, only 20 posters will receive the best poster award at the end of the conference...since I am only representing my supervisor, so my presentation was not counted for the award...

during the registration, we were given a bag and in the bag, there were pen, tentative book and a very thick book that consist of all the abstracts for the poster presentation for the conference...and this was mine! F-123 means that my poster presentation was on Friday with the board no. 123 >.<

the photo was snap by my colleague -_-"

quite a few people came and ask me regarding our project...some I manage to answer and some I cant and my default answer would be "you can email the main author for the details" haha :p

it was indeed such a good exposure for me, could be that I am going to present my own paper next year InsyaAllah ^_^

right after the presentation, me and my other 3 colleagues went to Pier 39!!! stay tune for the next story!


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